Massage & Reflexology by John

Board Certified Massage Therapist

Foot Reflexology

In-Home Foot Reflexology with Foot Massage    
Focused pressure on the feet. This service includes a soothing foot massage. Ideal for anyone who suffers from headaches, muscular pain or injury, arthritis, insomnia, hormonal problems, digestive disorders, stress or infertility...
 $100 - 1 hour / May be incorporated into any service.

Reflexology is a focused pressure technique, usually directed at the feet or hands. It is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on different parts of the body which corresponds to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body. 

How Reflexology Works:
When the reflexes are stimulated, the body's natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any blockages in the corresponding zones. A reflexology session breaks up deposits (felt as a sandy or gritty area under the skin) which may interfere with this natural flow of the body's energy.

Manipulating specific reflexes removes stress, activating a parasympathetic response in the body to enable the disharmonies to be released by a physiological change in the body. With stress removed and circulation improved, the body is allowed to return to a state of homeostasis.

Homeostasis is the "automatic" process that the body incorporates to bring it back to the "normal" state. For example, if the blood pressure is abnormal, the kidneys will secrete the enzyme renin which is involved with blood pressure, and the hormone, erythropoietin that increases the rate of red blood cell production.


Benefits of Reflexology:              
 - Relaxation with the removal of stress
 - Enhanced circulation
 - Assists the body to normalize metabolism naturally
 - Complements all other healing modalities

 - Cure colds/minor ailments
 - Prevent/cure diseases
 - Increase energy
 - Relieve stress, pain, and anxiety
 - Improve blood and lymph circulation
 - Prevent injury
 - Relieve pain from MS and chemotherapy
 - Stimulate activity of internal organs
 - Successfully treat liver dysfunction, constipation, IBS, chronic headaches, and skin allergies
 - Relieve pressure on legs and feet in pregnant women

Overall wellness and improved mental health; and pain management for chronic or acute pain. If you have been injured or are lacking energy, reflexology can help to restore balance and coax your body into healing itself. It can boost sluggish circulation, and is useful for treating stress, anxiety, PTSD, back pain, migraine, poor digestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), respiratory problems, asthma, headache, bladder problems, menopausal symptoms and period pain. It can relieve the pain of multiple sclerosis (MS) and cancer treatments, but it should not replace conventional drugs like chemotherapy.

This service is ideal for anyone who suffers from headaches, muscular pain or injury, arthritis, insomnia, hormonal problems, digestive disorders, stress or infertility.

The benefits aren’t purely physical. A good foot massage can also improve your mental and emotional state.
Most of those who seek out a reflexologist are looking for relaxation and stress relief.
With less stress in your life, your chance of heart disease drops considerably.



Length of Session:
A cycle of steps are executed in sequential order on both feet. Depending upon the client's requirements and/or preference, a reflexology session can be scheduled fo 60 minutes; and a shorter cycle can also be added to any massage session.

A firm pressure is used when working the reflexes of the feet. I always work within the pain threshold of my client. As an indicator, I use a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being sensitive and 5 being painful. I encourage my client to let me know if / when they experience any discomfort, and I adjust my pressure accordingly.
Reflexology is not meant to inflict pain.

Communication with my client is essential. I ask whether the pressure is too light or too great. It is important to remember that when tender reflexes are located, they must be worked with a degree of pressure to effect the desired result. Massaging or pampering the foot may feel good but does nothing to stimulate the reflexes and to assist the body’s natural response to normalize the metabolisms. Well-worked reflexes prove to the client the necessity of pressure by the process that homeostasis has brought to the body. 

Possible causes of tenderness may be: Injury, both pre-surgery and post- surgery, general or specific stress (more than 80% of North American disease is related to stress). Stress can affect all reflexes. Drugs / prescription or non-prescription -they may numb reflexes. Illness, foot conditions: corns, calluses, spurs, etc... Piriformis Muscle Syndrome (short leg).

Reflexologists do not diagnose medical conditions unless qualified to do so. The only diagnosis made is a "tender reflex." A reflexologist will refer to other qualified health care practitioners when services required are outside the reflexologist's scope of practice.

Similarly, reflexologists do not prescribe medications unless qualified to do so. The therapeutic intervention is limited to "working the reflexes."

Reflexologists Do Not:
- Diagnose medical conditions unless qualified to do so.
- Prescribe medications unless qualified to do so.
- Treat for specific conditions except in emergencies.

- Work in opposition to the medical or other fields.
- Encourage the client to cease taking their prescribed medication.