Massage & Reflexology by John

Board Certified Massage Therapist

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

In-Home Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD)  is the use of light and long strokes to help restore movement
in the lymph system, and ensure all your lymph nodes are draining properly.
Regular treatments can be very beneficial for long-term health, and the treatment itself isn’t painful.

$100 - 1 hour


What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?   
The lymph system runs throughout the body.
Lymph nodes run from the head to the feet. 
Lymph is a fluid that flows through lymph vessels to lymph “nodes”
(which are like storage compartments).
Lymphatic fluid takes toxins and waste with it to help clear the body.
The lymphatic system is similar to the circulatory system,
except that there isn’t a central organ that pumps lymph. 
To move through the body, it requires body movements and gravity. 

However, gravity and exercise sometimes aren’t enough to effectively move lymph through the body. This can cause a range of problems, from sickness to lethargy. In this case, it helps to have a massage therapist experienced in manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) use hand movements to get your lymph nodes draining and your lymph flowing again. MLD treatments can also encourage the natural drainage of lymph after a treatment.

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
-  Strengthened Immune System
One of the main benefits of the lymph system is the removal of harmful waste and toxins from the body. For this to occur, lymph has to be flowing smoothly. If you’ve been getting sick more often lately, it could be your lymph nodes to blame. Try an MLD massage to improve your immunity and feel better. 

-  More Energy 
Many people report feeling more energy after a manual lymphatic drainage treatment. It can last for a few hours to a few days. Many people choose to incorporate MLD into their weekly or monthly massages for this great boost of energy.

 - Better Sleep 
MLD massages reduce pain and stress and promote healing, which makes them perfect for anyone who has been having trouble sleeping. 

 - Resolved Sinus Issues
MLD is highly decongestive. When lymph is not flowing properly, you may experience sinus or allergy issues. Draining the lymph nodes that work with the sinuses can help get everything flowing smoothly again and offer some well-deserved relief.

 - Lymphedema Prevention
When the normal flow of lymph is seriously interrupted (by medical treatment, infection, cancer treatments, surgeries, or health or medical conditions), you could end up with lymphedema, which causes major swelling in one or more limbs. Compression therapy is typically used to prevent lymphedema, but lymphatic massage can also greatly help reduce swelling and prevent lymphedema from getting worse. Some studies also suggest MLD can also be preventative.

- Reduction of Swelling in the Legs
Often, poor leg circulation is automatically chalked up to poor vein health. However, it could you the lymph nodes in your legs – and not just your veins – that are the culprit. If you’ve started to notice swelling, pain, or discomfort in your legs, see your MLD therapist for a specific MLD treatment that will help clear up the lymph in your legs. 

 - Healing After Surgery 
Lymph massages have been known to stimulate healing and regenerate tissue at a scar site after surgery. In addition, it can detoxify the body and reduce swelling – both issues which are usually experienced after surgery. Once you’ve been cleared by your doctor, book a massage with our qualified, MLD-trained therapists. 

How Do I Know if I Need a Lymphatic Drainage Massage? 

If you’ve experienced sleep issues, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, swelling in the legs (or anywhere else), it’s a good sign you could benefit from MLD.

Manual lymph drainage is not painful and can promote lymph health and natural drainage. It’s a gentle massage technique that does a lot of work in the body. You’ll be surprised at how great you feel and how much energy you have for the rest of the day.

List of conditions for which MLD Massage may be beneficial:

- Edema (swelling)
- Lymphedema
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency 
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Fibromyalgia
- Detoxification, Improvement of the immune system
- Skin conditions – acne, rosacea, wrinkles, cellulite
- Reduce: stress, chronic pain, fatigue
- Stretch marks, menopause symptoms
- Chronic constipation, IBS, Crohn’s disease
- Parkinson’s, MS, Vertigo, Peripheral Nerve disorders
- Headaches, Migraines 
- Neck pain, whiplash
- Allergies, Bronchial asthma, Hay fever
- Gout, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, fascial restrictions & scars
- Sports preparation, sports injuries, muscle spasms, muscle cramping, traumatic edemas from torn muscles and sprained ligaments or articulations. 
- Pre & Post surgery treatment, Symptoms associated with post -trauma, dislocations & sprains